How alienated from Jehovah and un-Christian so many Bethelites must be, who finished their higher education and gained their degrees! I don't know how they can live with their consciences!
Pages 6 & 7, pars. 15 & 16:
A sister who has been in full-time service for over 15 years says:
“As a baptized Witness, I had read and heard about the dangers of
pursuing university education, but I dismissed such warnings. I
thought that the counsel did not apply to me.” What challenges did
she face? She admits: “Studying for my courses took so much time
and effort that I was too busy to linger in prayer to Jehovah
the way I used to, too exhausted to enjoy Bible discussions with
others, and too tired to prepare well for the meetings. Thankfully,
once I realized that being immersed in higher education was
damaging my relationship with Jehovah, I knew I had to stop. And I
What effect did higher education have on this sister’s thinking?
She answers: “I am ashamed to admit that the education I pursued
taught me to be critical of others, especially my brothers and
sisters, to expect too much of them, and to isolate myself from them.
It took me a long time to unlearn these lessons. That time in my life
showed me just how dangerous it is to ignore the warnings given by
our heavenly Father through his organization. Jehovah knew me better
than I knew myself. If only I had listened!”
But all of you higher educated Bethelites didn't listen, did you? Shame on you!!